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How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers. at AMU The Faculty of Commerce oversees the entrance exam. Students with backgrounds in business apply to this course. As a result, there is a good likelihood that passing this test will result in admission to AMU. Therefore, we are giving you some advice that may enable you to pass the AMU B.Com Entrance Exam.

  • Understand the syllabus completely.
  • Recognize the Exam Pattern and Scoring Procedure.
  • Purchase books on Basic Preparation.
  • Construct a weekly and monthly schedule.
  • creates brief yet significant notes and periodically revises them.
  • Examine the test questions from prior years.
  • Provide practice tests and papers.

There are not many preparatory and reference books.

1. Know the Syllabus in detail AMU B.Com

For any AMU B.Com Entrance Exam, the first step to success is understanding the exam curriculum. Every topic in the syllabus that is covered must be understood. You can decide what to study, how much to read, and how much time you have left before a test if you are familiar with the syllabus.


comprehension of sentences and paragraphs, recognition of frequent grammatical and usage problems; Word development, synonyms, antonyms, word pairings, vocabulary sentence completion, prepositions, and sentence structure and building.


(i) Nonprofit organization accounting. (ii) Partnership Accounting: Goodwill, Admission, Retirement, and Death of a Partner, as well as the Dissolution of Partnership Firms. (iii) Company Accounts, including Issue of Shares and Debentures, Forfeiture & Reissue, Redemption of Shares and Debentures, and Final Accounts of Companies (iv) Financial Statement Analysis: Ratio Analysis – Profitability, Liquidity, Solvency, and Activity Ratios, Cash and Cash equivalents, and (v) Concepts, Features, and Structures of Computerized Accounting Systems.


(i) Management’s nature, purposes, and guiding principles. (ii) Business Finance: SEBI, Money Market, Stock Exchange, Financial Management, and Financial Plans. Marketing Management: Concept, Roles, and Marketing Mix (iii). (iv) Consumer Protection: Rights of Consumers, Consumer Education, and Consumer Dispute Resolution. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers


(i) Laws, demand and supply, and the equilibrium of the consumer and producer. Market Structure and Price Determination (ii) The determination of income and employment (iii) National Income (iii) Finance and Banking (iv) Governmental spending



Statistics: The Gathering, Arranging, and Display of Data; Mean (simple and weighted), Median, and Mode are measures of central tendency; Dispersion measurements include absolute dispersion (quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation), relative dispersion (coefficient of variation, coefficient of mean deviation, and coefficient of quartile deviation); range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, and standard deviation. Measures of Correlation in Correlation; Probability; an introduction to index numbers.

REASONING AND NUMERICAL ABILITY (i) Important Analytical Verbal Logical Interpreting data

GENERAL AWARENESS Indian Polity and Constitution (i) Indian Economy (ii) World Organizations (iii) Indian and World Geography (iv) General Science and Technology (v) Sports, Awards, and Corporate Affairs (vi)

The following link will take you to a full syllabus for all AMU B.Com entrance exams.

2. Recognize the Exam Pattern and Scoring Formula

You must comprehend the AMU B.Com Entrance Exam Exam Pattern after learning the course. You can use this to gain a sense of the exam’s general structure. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

There will be one objective exam worth 100 points that includes the following sections:

  • English: 25 Marks
  • Accountancy: 20 Marks
  • Business Studies: 15 Marks
  • Economics: 10 Marks
  • Elementary Mathematics & Statistics : 10 Marks
  • Reasoning & Numerical Ability: 10 Marks
  • General Awareness: 10 Marks
  1. Candidates must also be acquainted with the exam marking procedures and comprehend how admission examinations are evaluated. Candidates must be knowledgeable about the solutions to a few basic questions:


  1. How many points are there in a question?
  2. What subjects have the most or lowest weight in terms of marks
  3. What criteria might be used for selection?


Better planning and time management will be advantageous to the candidates. The AMU B.Com Entrance Exams’ exam structure and scoring methodology are available by clicking the following link.

3. Order books on basic preparation. (How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers)

You must carefully choose your study materials if you want to succeed on the AMU B.Com Entrance exam. If you don’t succeed in doing this, your likelihood of selection will decrease. For the AMU entrance exam, applicants must compile a list of some fundamental textbooks (from their XI and XII classes). Studying NCERT textbooks, which are utilised in AMU academics, should be the first step in candidates’ preparation.

Once a candidate has finished reading all of their previous courses’ NCERT textbooks and Basic Textbooks, they can start studying from preparation books or guides.. Aspirants are advised to purchase at least one or two preparation books or manuals for the AMU Entrance Exams, according to the applied courses. It is advised that students avoid reading a lot of books, especially an excessive amount of references or how-to books. A few important novels are mentioned in the article’s conclusion. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

4. Make a weekly and monthly schedule.

A timetable defining which topics to cover when, which ones should be given top importance, and how much information needs to be covered daily, weekly, and monthly must be made by aspirants. The benefit of following a regular study plan is that you always know what is next after finishing one task. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

As the candidate must maintain a balance between his studies and other obligations, a proper and effective timetable is highly beneficial. There should be intervals between long periods of nonstop study. You can employ the “50/10 or 25/5 – Rule.” You must divide your time between your areas of strength and weakness. The best times to eat, sleep, and study should be set apart. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

According to the guidance offered to students on how to organize their days, the syllabus of the applied course should be finished within a specific time range. Review the course material and syllabus, take as many practice exams and past year’s papers as possible for better preparation, and allocate your time effectively.

5. Takes brief, crucial notes and regularly updates them.

Students should make or prepare brief and clear notes of the relevant humanities subjects that will be asked in the entrance exam while studying basic texts from prior classes or NCERT textbooks. Make easy notes by drawing tables, posters, flowcharts, infographics, and other visual aids. Place them anywhere you can, and at least twice a day, preferably right before night, go over them.

A designated, 1-3 hour block of time must be included in your schedule for revising. Iterative revision is a process. You won’t be able to recall a topic, chapter, or subject even if you think you prepared it well until you continuously go over it in your mind. You’ll be able to gain expertise in that area thanks to it. Instead, by answering practice problems from relevant texts, students can enhance their review.

This will help the pupils understand the concepts they just covered. For their preparation for the AMU B.Com Entrance Exams, the students might use notes that are simple to understand. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

6. Review the Previous year's test questions. (How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers)

Preparing the papers from the previous year is the next stage to become eligible for the AMU B.Com Entrance Exams. In addition to reviewing the exam papers from the prior year after completing their notes, candidates. Discover the formula for answering questions. Only consistent practice will make this possible. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

Practice with old papers is the only way to become familiar with the frames and traps for this B.Com Entrance Exam. You’ll also get an idea of how long you have to finish the work as a whole, the kinds of questions that might be posed, and how to respond to them.

You will have the finest understanding of the difficulty of entrance tests by solving the previous year’s papers. Candidates should study and practice all of the questions from last year’s exams. Most entrance tests, whether written or descriptive, repeat a few questions every year. You must therefore review the prior year’s exam questions. We have the past three years’ worth of AMU B.Com. exam papers online. These papers are available for download by visiting the following URL.

7. Give Mock Tests & Sample papers

The next stage is to administer practice exams and sample papers. You can do this by purchasing entrance sample papers for applied courses from any bookseller or by enrolling in a regular test series (online/coaching) and taking practice exams at home or in coaching. The ability for aspirants to evaluate their test performance is the main advantage of administering mock exams. They can review their errors, the amount of time spent on each question, the exam’s section or overall, and suggestions for enhancements. How To Crack AMU B.Com Entrance Papers

Within a set time limit, students should attempt to complete practice exams or sample papers. Most candidates commit the frequent blunder of never mentioning the issues they have already solved. Try to determine which topics or questions on a practice test you struggle with and which ones you can finish fast. While completing the practice papers, practice good planning. Sole the 50 percent of the problems on the paper that are of low difficulty first. Do not repeatedly answer questions that you find tough or complex.

8. A few reference books and planning manuals

Commerce and Economics books 11th – 12th NCERT


The Conceptum B.Com. (Hons.) Entrance Test Guide

Success Review, 2019. AMU B.COM Entrance Solved Papers

by Dr.BABU ALI (Author)